The Lucky Block mod is a Minecraft mod that adds a block that can be broken with any tool. When broken, the block will provide a random item or block. This can be anything from a chest of items to an explosion. The player has no idea what will happen when they break the block until it happens. This mod is one of the most popular Minecraft mods on the Internet. It is known for its unpredictable content that can range from a simple block of gold to a rare and valuable item.
Besides the fact that this mod can spawn randomly almost any item of the Minecraft World in also includes three new items, a lucky sword, a lucky bow and a lucky potion. All the Lucky Blocks will spawn across the world, being a little more common in places like the Nether. They also appear in special structures so do not miss them.
If you are out of luck and after running throught the world you have not found any lucky block do not worry, you can craft them surrounding a dispenser with 8 gold lingots in a crafting table. You can also change the amount of luck from a block by crafting the along with diamonds or other items.

Instructions to Install the Lucky Block Mod
Please, be aware that you need to have Minecraft Forge in order to install this mod.
- Go to the Minecraft application folder.
- You can type %appdata% from the start menu or use windows key + R to launch %appdata%. Once in there look for the Minecraft folder.
- Copy and paste the Lucky Block Mod .jar file into the mods folder. You can get the .jar file below.
- Launch Minecraft Game and go to the mods section, you should see the Mod installed.
Lucky Block Mod Link
The Lucky Block Mod is available to download from its official site: https://www.luckyblockmod.com/