Skinned Lanterns (available for forge 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.17.1, 1.16.5,1.16.4) is a mod for Minecraft that add a lot of new laterns to the Game. Lanterns are an important part of Minecraft, as they allow you to see in the dark. The new lanterns allows for this, plus adding a whole new level of excitement to nighttime exploration thanks to the cooler new lanterns.
Lanterns are one of the many items that you can use for aesthetics in your minecraft builds. Not only do they look good, but they also serve a purpose; they give off light in dark areas. This makes them perfect for indoor and outdoor buildings, as well as dungeons and caves. You can find lanterns in the Creative and Survival modes of the game. In Creative mode, they are available in the Decoration Blocks tab of the menu. In Survival mode, they are found in the Miscellaneous.

Crafting Recipes
The crafting recipes can be found using the recipe book. Anyways the recipes are fairly simple to discover.

Instructions to Install Skinned Lanterns Mod
- Go to the Minecraft application folder.
- You can type %appdata% from the start menu or use windows key + R to launch %appdata%. Once in there look for the Minecraft folder.
- Copy and paste the Skinned Lanterns Mod .jar file into the mods folder. You can get the .jar file below.
- Launch Minecraft Game and go to the mods section, you should see the Mod installed.
Please, be aware that you need to have Minecraft Forge in order to install this mod.
Skinned Lanterns Links
For Minecraft 1.18.2: Click Here to get the .jar file
For Minecraft 1.18.1: Click Here to get the .jar file
For Minecraft 1.17.1: Click Here to get the .jar file
For Minecraft 1.16.5: Click Here to get the .jar file
For Minecraft 1.16.4: Click Here to get the .jar file